9TH – 11TH DECEMBER 2019
Speakers and Panelists for common sessions

Ben Vershbow
Director Community Programme ,Wikimedia Foundation

David Bainbridge
Professor of Computer Science , University of Waikato

Enno Meijers
IT Advisor , National Library of Netherlands

Gregory Cram
Attorney, The New York Public Library

Harry Willem Verwayen
Executive Director, Europeana Foundation

Jawahar C. V.
Professor, Dean (RnD) & Amazon Chair Professor, IIIT Hyderabad

Lisa Petrides
Founder and CEO of Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education(ISKME)

Mary Anderson Ochs
Director, AR Mann Library, Cornell University

Partha Pratim Das
Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Kharagpur and Joint Principal Investigator, NDLI project

Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay
Professor Dept of Library and information Science at University of Kalyani

Paul David Clough
Professor of Search and Analytics, University of Sheffield

Prasenjit Mitra
Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, Associate Dean for Research, Pennsylvania State University

Sambit Datta
Dean International Professor of Computational Urban Science Curtin University, Perth, Australia

Santanu Chaudhury
Director, IIT Jodhpur

Sarah Kenderdine
Professor Digital Museology, EPFL, Switzerland

Sebastian Hellmann
Director, Institute for Applied Informatics, e.V.

Prabuddha Ganguli
Visiting Prof., Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, IIT Kharagpur

Liam Wyatt
Community Manager, Europeana Foundation

Muhammad Mezbah-ul-Islam
Professor, Department of Information Science and Library Management, Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka

Parameswaran N
Advisor, MHRD

John Van Oudenaren
Global Fellow, Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, and former Director, World Digital Library, Library of Congress
Session Chair

Anupam Basu
Director, NIT Durgapur

Prasenjit Mitra
Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, Associate Dean for Research, Pennsylvania State University

Ramesh Gaur
Director (Library & Information) & Head-Kalanidhi Division at IGNCA, Ministry of Culture

ARD Prasad
Ex. Prof. DRTC, Bangalore

Plaban Kumar Bhowmick
Co-PI, National Digital Library of India, IIT Kharagpur

Ravinder Kumar Chadha
Professor, LIS and Research Ex-Additional Secretary, Parliament of India, LSS, New Delhi

Partha Pratim Das
Jt.-PI, National Digital Library of India, India

David Bainbridge
Professor of Computer Science , University of Waikato

Paul David Clough
Professor of Search and Analytics, University of Sheffield
Speakers and Panelists for Break Away Session at IIT Delhi Auditorium
Invited Talk on Challenges and Approaches of Library professionals in the era of Digital Library
Session Chair

R.K. Sharma
Librarian ,United Nations Information Centre, New Delhi
Session Coordinators

Vanita Khanchandani
Assistant Librarian, IIT Delhi

Gunjan Mishra
Sr. Library Information Assistant, IIT Delhi

Ramesh Gaur
Director (Library & Information) & Head-Kalanidhi Division at IGNCA, Ministry of Culture

K. K. Bhattacharjee
Joint Registrar at IIT Delhi

Sandeep Kumar Pathak
Deputy Librarian, IISER Bhopal

Sangeeta Kaul
Network Manager at DELNET

P.K. Jain
Librarian,Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi

Parveen Babbar
Deputy Librarian, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi

Vijay Kumar Verma
Assistant Librarian, IIT Delhi
Panel Discussion
Towards a Digital Library: by the Communities and for the Communities Panellists

T. S. Kumbar
Librarian IIT Gandhinagar (Moderator)

B. Sutradhar
Librarian, IIT Kharagpur

C. Jayakumar
Librarian, IIT Roorkee

M. N. Jadhav
Librarian, IIT Madras

Nabi Hasan
Librarian, IIT Delhi

Bibhuti B. Sahoo
Deputy Librarian, IIT Bhubaneshwar

Anjali Bandiwadekar
Deputy Librarian, IIT Indore

Manju Naik
Chief Library Officer, IIT Bombay
Speakers and Panelists for Break Away Session at UNESCO, New Delhi
Strengthening SAARC through Digital Heritage
Keynote Speaker

Partha Pratim Das
Professor of IIT Kharagpur, India, Jt.-PI of National Digital Library of India and General Co-Chair, KEDL 2019
Session Chair

Ben Vershbow
Director, Community Programs, WikiMedia Foundation
Panel Discussion
The State-of-the-Art in Digital Heritage and its Role in Strengthening SAARC

Ramesh C. Gaur
Member of MOW IAC and Director(L&I), IGNCA, New Delhi, India

Md. Mizanur Rahman
Microfilm Officer, Directorate of Archives and Libraries, Bangladesh

Aminath Shiuna
Director, Digitisation and Training Section, National Library of Maldives, Maldives

Saubhagya Pradhananga
Chief, National Archives of Nepal, Nepal

Udaya Cabral
Head Conservation & Preservation Division, National Library and Documentation Service Board of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka

Partha Pratim Das
Jt.-PI, National Digital Library of India, India

Dilara Begum
Associate Professor and Chairperson of Information Studies and Library Management Department and Librarian (Acting) at East West University , Dhaka, Bangladesh