9TH – 11TH DECEMBER 2019

9th Dec
Dr. Partha Pratim Das is the Joint Principal Investigator of National Digital Library of India project of MHRD, Govt. of India and leads the initiative to integrate the Digital Repositories of various Institutions, agencies and publishers across India. He is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, heads the Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship and is the Professor-in-Charge of the upcoming Research Park of IIT Kharagpur at Rajarhat, Kolkata.
Dr. Das received his BTech, MTech and PhD degrees in 1984, 1985 and 1988 respectively from IIT Kharagpur. He served as a faculty in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur from 1988 to 1998. In 1998, he moved to the industry and served in senior management / director positions till 2011. His current interests include Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Analysis of Indian Classical Dance, Technology-Enabled Education, and Software Engineering.
Dr. Das has received several recognitions including UNESCO/ROSTSCA Young Scientist (1989), INSA Young Scientist Award (1990), Young Associate-ship of Indian Academy of Sciences (1992), UGC Young Teachers’ Career Award (1993), INAE Young Engineer Award (1996), Interra Special (Process) Recognition (2009), and Interra 10 Years’ Tenure Plaque (2011). He served the International Conference on VLSI Design & Embedded Systems in as General Co-Chair in 2005 and as Program Co-Chair in 2016. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Institution of Engineers: Series B, reviewer for Pattern Recognition Letters and a Review Writer for ACM Computing Reviews. He is a member of Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and Indian Unit for Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IUPRAI).
The National Digital Library of India (NDLI) (https://www.ndl.gov.in/) was initiated in April 2015 as a Pilot project by MHRD, GoI, under its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) Mission to build the framework of a digital library. The project is being executed by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
The pilot went live in May 2016 and was launched to the Nation on 19th June, 2018. Currently it hosts more than 40 million contents in more than 300 languages, sourced from about 250 institutes / publishers, and browse-able in 7 Indian languages. It is also available as a Mobile App (Android and iOS) and on UMANG. More than 5 million users are currently registered in the library. The motto of NDLI is “Inclusive” and “Open”.
When we started in 2015, it was a ‘Can-we-do-it?’ phase. Thanks to several well-wishers and partners, a quickly assembled, able and dedicated team, we managed to have a prototype for NDLI by early 2016. A strong outreach program of Institutional Digital Repository (IDR), conducted at various corners of India in collaboration with very supportive institutions, spread the word about NDLI as India’s own learning platform for its 1.3 billion citizens – of a kind that was unique – not only in the country but in the entire world…